Friday 19 November 2010

PS Video Tutorial - Create Animated Gifs

You've probably seen an animated gif; you know, those picture files that move like it's a mini video. I'm sure you know all about them, (duh!) but for the very few out there (not including you, mind) who's not familiar about them, here's a little background.

An animated gif is an image file that contains several images inside them. These images are presented in a predetermined order. Hey, ever seen the trick where some guy draws some images on the pages of a notebook and then flips the pages real fast? Viola! you perceive movement. That's the idea behind an animated gif. It's several pictures appearing and disappearing in order, sometimes looping back to the beginning when the last picture has been displayed to create an endless loop of movement.

Here's a little photoshop tutorial video on how to make one.

Well, hope this one helped. Now you can run around telling your friends you finally know how it's done. Haha, just kidding. By the way, gif is short for Graphics Interchange Format. Bet you didn't do that, yea? You did? Awww, That would have been a cool closing sentence. No worries, maybe the next reader won't... :D

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