Friday, 26 November 2010

Easy To Follow Wrinkle Removal Using Photoshop CS4

Imagine this, you've just taken the perfect shot of a dear old lady. Perfect pose, perfect lighting, perfect everything, except, on that very day, her wrinkles seemed more pronounced. Now, as a digital photographer, what should you do?

Here comes photoshop to save you. Again.

With a little work, you can make your 50ish subject look 30 again. That's right, just a little work. Photoshop has a lot of tools waiting to be utilized to turn someone old look younger, more radiant, and wrinkle free. Here's a video showing just one of the many processess to remove wrinkles.

ee how easy that was? Just select, move to a wrinkle-free part of the paste and voila, bye bye wrinkles. Remember, the tool used is not only for wrinkle removal. Experiment, try to use it on other effects, you'll be surprised. By the way, the Photoshop version used was CS4.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Photoshop Tutorial: Create a Twirl Effect

Here's an easy one. In this post, I'll be sharing a video tutorial about a very common effect, the twirl effect. Remember, don't just pay attention to the final result, it's best to take note about the steps involved. This way, you can apply what you learn here for other situations.

Take for example this twirl effect. Adobe Photoshop can twirl everything, depending on what you want. Here, we'll be shown how to apply it to several lines. But you can also twirl a lot of things, like maybe a face to give it a bizzare look, or texts, hell, you can use it on everything. Test the sliders, see how it works. Don't be afraid to experiment.

There you go. I hope you found this helpful. Keep coming back for more video tutorials on photoshop geared for beginners like you and me.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Changing Eye Color With Photoshop

Hey, have you ever seen one of those photographs of person with creepy-colored eyes? Wondering how it was done? Wonder no further, here's a quick video tutorial for photoshop that will show you how easy it is done.

Of course, this should not be applied only to make a photograph creepy. This tutorial can also be utilized to make a person's eyes stand out, to give it the shade it needs for that perfect look. This, we can do without needing contact lenses. Just photoshop...

Hmmm, lemme guess. You made the eyes red, right? Like something zombie-like? :D

Changing Hair Color With Photoshop

Here we are again with another photoshop video tutorial. This time we'll gonna try to change the color of a person's hair without going to the parlor nor using some hair color cream. We'll do it with magic - that's Photoshop magic of course.

Why do we want to change the color of a person's hair in the first place? For one, sometimes, digital photographs don't turn up the way we like them to, and some adjustments will be needed. For another, the color of the hair might be something that's required in a photo. So instead of actually dyeing our subject's hair before taking a shot - which will be quite time consuming - we do it by Adobe Photoshop instead. It's quick, it's painless, and quite easy.

Did I say that it was easy? It was, right? Go ahead, edit a photo of yourself, change your hair a flaming red, and post it on Facebook. Hey, I just might do that. I'm getting tired of my hair's color... :D

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Photoshop Glowing Lines Effect Video Tutorial

Everyone loves shiny things. Things that shine captures the attention of others, they pull the eyes towards them. Shiny, glowing objects are eye-magnets. It's no wonder that most graphics designers had at one time or another incorporated something shiny into their images.

"Why?", you may ask. Well, dear inquisitive reader, sometimes graphics designers need something eye-catching, something that draws attention to their works, or to a particular part of an artwork. It's like a highlight, like something that screams, "Hey, look here! I'm important!".

There you go. That was handy, wasn't it. Have fun learning!

Saturday, 20 November 2010

A Video Tutorial On How To Create a Colorful Abstract Wallpaper - Photoshop

I love abstracts. Really, I do. Something about them is quite mysterious. The same abstract art hits me differently depending on my mood.

I love colorful pictures as well. So vibrant, so full of, errrr.... colors.

Wallpapers? I adore them. The first image I photoshopped, I immediately made it my desktop wallpaper.

I love these 3 things. Really, I do. It's just a coincidence that I'm posting a photoshop video tutorial about making a "colorful" "abstract" "wallpaper" so stop thinking that I'm saying I love these things just because I'm posting a video dealing with them. Stop please.

Ok. I'll admit it. I don't care about abstracts, nor about colorful stuff and wallpapers. But hey, if it will make you watch the video, then I'll lie and lie some more. The more you watch, the more you'll learn. So there, I'm lying just for you... :D

Friday, 19 November 2010

How To Make Ice Text In Photoshop - Video Tutorial

Whew, when summer's here, who wouldn't like a block of ice, eh? Last summer, I made something in photoshop to set as my desktop wall paper. I watched this photoshop tutorial video, followed it to the letter, and hey, it worked. I got me an icey text displayed on my desktop and just by looking at it, I felt cooler. Haha, laugh if you must, but it really did work.

I can feel a bit of skepticism here from you. You don't believe me, I know. Well, I guess I have to prove it to you. Here's the video tutorial. Fire up Photoshop. Make your own Icey Text and you'll see.

Now, if you got this right, you probably have a cool, literally, looking text. Look at it. Now tell me, you feeling the coolness?



Really, you don't?

Ha! You probably messed something up somewhere.. :D

Video Tutorial - Photoshop Twilight Text Effect

Ummm yea, Twilight. If you're a guy, you're probably saying "Oh no, mushy Twilight has penetrated Photoshop Video Tutorials." Can't blame you, but hey, ladies like this Twilight thingy and being a ladies man, here it is.

That was easy, ain't it. If you got a girlfriend who's crazy about this movie (he's a lucky guy who's girlfriend's not a Twilight fan, ummm sorry ladies hehe), how about surprising her by photoshopping her name into something like this. Corny? Well, we all know we need to be "Edwards" to our "Isabellas" at least once a year... :D

PS Video Tutorial - Create Animated Gifs

You've probably seen an animated gif; you know, those picture files that move like it's a mini video. I'm sure you know all about them, (duh!) but for the very few out there (not including you, mind) who's not familiar about them, here's a little background.

An animated gif is an image file that contains several images inside them. These images are presented in a predetermined order. Hey, ever seen the trick where some guy draws some images on the pages of a notebook and then flips the pages real fast? Viola! you perceive movement. That's the idea behind an animated gif. It's several pictures appearing and disappearing in order, sometimes looping back to the beginning when the last picture has been displayed to create an endless loop of movement.

Here's a little photoshop tutorial video on how to make one.

Well, hope this one helped. Now you can run around telling your friends you finally know how it's done. Haha, just kidding. By the way, gif is short for Graphics Interchange Format. Bet you didn't do that, yea? You did? Awww, That would have been a cool closing sentence. No worries, maybe the next reader won't... :D